Friday, August 9, 2024

What Are the Factors Influencing Thesis Rejection or a Major Revision?

As a PhD student, you may think that there is something terribly wrong with your thesis paper when it face rejection or sent for a major revision. However, the research paper may face rejection due to a flurry of reasons and not only because the quality of work is not good enough. Here is an overview of some of the common reasons why your thesis may face rejection or asked for a major revision.

When can your thesis paper face rejection?

Rejection of thesis papers is not uncommon but it can make you feel demotivated. You would never want your hard work to go in vain after years of researching and writing. So, here is a rundown of the reasons your thesis writing may face rejection:

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1.      Research lacks scope and has no defined mission

The purpose of writing the thesis is to add value to a publication and make the readers think. Unfortunately, if it is your first stint with publishing your thesis, you may badly overlook this aspect. First, you need to understand the scope and aim of publishing the research and make the editors and reviewers feel that it is not the right fit for their journal. So, the paper may be very good but the research lacks the point. A professional thesis writing service may mitigate your woes and make everything right in the first attempt.

2.      Writing is indecipherable

Typically, thesis writing needs to be simple so that the reviewers find it easy to understand. However, if you think otherwise and incorporate wrong grammar, spelling errors, bad diction, and excessive jargon in your thesis, you may miss the most important elements of dissertation. For instance, your paper may miss things like affiliation, tables, figures, and list of authors. If you are someone who struggles hard to write thesis in correct English, go ahead and hire a reliable thesis writing service. It is a perfect way to make up your shortcomings.

3.      Lacks originality

Does your paper highlight anything new such as a method, concept, or a new finding?  Your thesis can be based on an existing research but its needs to add something new to it. So, if your paper presents nothing new and simply reiterates the existing concepts, it can be said to lack originality.

4.      Flaws in methods

One of the commonest reasons why your research may face rejection is major flaws in the method of research. Keep in mind that reviewers watch and monitor closely your way of approaching the research question. While smaller issues can be corrected with minor revision, major problems that cannot be rectified or of the paper misses substantial information, it is most likely to face rejection.

5.      Not following the guidelines

Every thesis needs to follow a set of guidelines defined by the university in terms of font size, margin style, space, and referencing. If you are not capable of following these guidelines, the possibility of rejection cannot be ruled out. Professional thesis writing services have expert writers who not only follow the guidelines but proof read the paper thoroughly before submission. Many of these services use tools that come with auto-formatting features to make the thesis paper look more professional.

6.      Improper conclusion

The thesis not only brings to the limelight the research question and your significant findings but it should give reasons to the reviewer to take home a very important message. Accordingly, if your paper fails to end with a proper conclusion, the reviewer may need to go over it again to find the central point. This way, the PhD thesis paper may face rejection.

When major revisions are required for your thesis

As a PhD student, you don’t even want to think about the possibility of a major revision after submitting your work. Alas, it might be a reality for many candidates. Although you need not worry about minor errors as they would never become a cause of rejection, major mistakes are dealt with differently and need to be revised before the degree is awarded.

Some of these major problems associated with thesis writing are wrong methodology, not establishing proper results, lack of proper argument, and evidently no conclusion. The worst case scenario would be that your paper is reviewed by an external supervisor. However, the positive aspect may be that the reviewer may only consider the most valid errors. Hence, the chances of rejection can be minimised that way.

A major revision or rejection of your thesis is uncalled for but the truth is that out of hundred research papers submitted; only about four to five may be devoid of mistakes. At Decode DNA, we are familiar with what students go through when their research faces rejection and offer thesis writing service. Our expert writers leverage clear and accurate methods to pen your research and rules out the chances of revision and rejection. Click here for more information.

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